Rupes Bigfoot Polisher LHR15 Mk2 Deluxe Kit
Random Orbital Polisher - LHR15 Mark II. The 15mm throw means that swirls, scratches, spots and other defects can be removed much more easily and efficiently. Random orbital motion allows for perfect finish. Kit includes: Rupes LHR15 MarkII Big Foot Random Orbital Polisher Rupes Big Foot Polisher Bag Rupes Big Foot Detailing Apron 8 oz. Rupes Zephir Gloss Coarse Gel Compound 8 oz. Rupes Quarz Gloss Medium Gel Compound 8 oz. Rupes Keramik Gloss Fine Gel Polish 8 oz. Rupes Diamond Ultra Fine Gel Polish Blue Coarse Foam Pad, 6 Inches Green Medium Foam Pad, 6 Inches Yellow Polishing Foam Pad, 6 Inches White Finishing Foam Pad, 6 Inches Microfiber detailing cloth